Treatment of Fasting

“Sarverogha mala vashaha, langhanamparamoushadham”

In Sanskrit, the sloka signifies that the accumulation of harmful materials in the digestive tract is the fundamental cause of most ailments. Fasting is regarded as one of the most essential natural healing treatments. Fasting is practiced in Naturopathy to allow nature to execute its cleaning process in the body without any meddling or adding extra load of food to digest.

Fasting patients will not suffer any damage as long as they relax and receive sufficient expert treatment. The thorough emptying of the bowels by enema before the start of the fast is a preventative procedure that must be followed in all situations of fasting so that the patient is not troubled by gas or decaying waste created from the excrements lingering in the body. During the fasting phase, enemas should be administered at least every alternate day. Six to eight glasses of beverage should be consumed in total. During the fast, a great deal of energy is expended in the process of removing accumulated toxins and poisonous waste products. It is consequently critical that the patient obtains as much physical and mental relaxation as possible.

The patient is firmly urged to talk as little as possible, to stay in bed as much as possible, and not to move around. To conserve energy, no sexual activity is permitted during this time. The type of the ailment ultimately determines the therapy strategy. Cancer, diabetes, and renal patients receive various treatments. As the body will be weak as a result of fasting, appropriate medicines will prescribed by the Doctor.

Frequency and timing

Daily for at least ½ hour in the morning or evening.

Recommended for

Anyone and especially for someone with stressful lifestyle, depression &anxiety, diabetes, high-blood pressure and chronic diseases.

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The routine

The patient’s treatment starts immediately after the next day of admission.
8 a.m. – 5ounce water with honey
12 p.m. – 5 ounce coconut water
5 p.m. – 5ounce water with honey
7 p.m. – 5ounce coconut water at 7pm
And plenty of drinking water throughout the day

Frequency and timing

Minimum of 7 days and maximum of 28 days according the nature of disease under the strict supervision of the Doctor.