Protein Treatment/ Fruit Diet

We think that because the body is the abode of health, it should be treated with the utmost care and respect. To fast-track your health, adding fruits and vegetable to your diet is a must! At Prakrithi, we bring you the opportunity of taking care of your health to the deepest layer. We initiate a diet plan that includes organically grown vegetables and fruits; we lay a heavy focus on the diet since we feel it is the best path ahead!

The goal is to absorb all the fiber and vitamins present in nature. We draw up a list of fruits while keeping all of the requirements in mind (such as diabetes, etc). The diet consists mostly of organic fruits farmed in our own gardens, free of preservatives and other chemical products. In moderation, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds can also be consumed. Other sorts of food are highly restricted or altogether removed. Cooked food of any type is avoided, including cooked fruit. We focus mostly on fruits high in fiber, which can help decrease cholesterol and promote regular bowel motions. Fruits high in Vitamin C are also beneficial to oral health and the immune system. Fruits rich in potassium aid to maintain normal blood pressure and fluid balance in the body

Frequency and timing

Daily for at least ½ hour in the morning or evening.

Recommended for

Anyone and especially for someone with stressful lifestyle, depression &anxiety, diabetes, high-blood pressure and chronic diseases.

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Tropical fruits are high in folate, which promotes the production of more red blood cells. Fruits high in antioxidants also help to reduce the generation of free radicals. Thus protecting your skin and fight off any illness.
A modest amount of hunger is also part of the therapy. This is beneficial to a higher-disciplined lifestyle.