Sun-Bath Treatment

The natural way of healing is to be outside in the open sun, with its warm beams all over your face and a soft wind. Sunbathing is an important therapy in Ayurveda. The ancient Greeks used “Hellios Therapy,” as it is sometimes called. It is a centuries-old technique that has been suggested for a plethora of healing properties. One of the primary advantages of getting plenty of Vitamin D from morning sunrays is that it supports a variety of body activities.

As the king of the planets, the Sun has its unique healing properties that humans may benefit from. Humans, like plants, grow stronger when exposed to direct sunshine. As well as being a good source of vitamin D, it also helps with depression, bone health, and tooth strength, immune system, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and it stimulates cells and tissues by boosting the flow of oxygen in the blood. Doctors think that spending some time each day in the sun may boost productivity, relieve stress, and boost creativity and enthusiasm.


However it is advised to not be under long exposure to harsh sunrays or UV rays.
The mantra is right, moderate and slow exposure to the sun. Use of sunscreens and wet towel.

Frequency and timing

5-10 minutes (in summer) and 15-30 minutes (in winter) daily under mellow exposure of sunlight.

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: Everyone especially someone with depression and anxiety, skin disorder, Dementia, high-blood pressure, increasing diabetes any other chronic disease.