Hydro Therapy in Calicut

Water is a miracle drink that not only keeps you healthy but also helps in healing a lot of diseases. Water can heal a lot of infections that may affect young as well as old people. From drinking to bathing, they aren’t just daily needs, but essential to maintain the sanctity of the body. With Hydro Therapy treatment kidney, uterus, and liver, will function normally.

Drinking sufficient amount of water flushes out the toxins, thereby reducing infections. Water provides gentle but effective, resistance along with uniform pressure and supportive buoyancy so that individuals gain strength and endurance crucial for overall health. These characteristics make exercising in water an ideal solution–almost anyone needing physical therapy can benefit from aquatic therapy.

Hydrotherapy to treat many illnesses and conditions, including acne; arthritis; colds; depression; headaches; stomach problems; joint, muscle, and nerve problems; sleep disorders; and stress. People also use it for relaxation and to maintain health. The theory behind it is that water has many properties that give it the ability to heal. You can also use hydrotherapy to reduce or relieve sudden or long-lasting pain. In hydrotherapy, water is used in different ways; for example steam baths, hip baths, spinal baths, cold body packs and local compresses. The purpose is to dissolve and assist in the elimination of toxic substances stored in the body tissue through increasing blood circulation.

Hip bath is one of the most useful forms of hydrotherapy. A special type of tub is used for the purpose. The tub is filled with water in such a way that it covers the hips and reaches up to the navel when the patient sits in it.

Frequency and timing

Daily for at least ½ hour in the morning or evening.

Recommended for

Anyone and especially for someone with stressful lifestyle, depression &anxiety, diabetes, high-blood pressure and chronic diseases.

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Frequency and timing

Daily for at least ½ hour in the morning or evening.

Recommended for

People with joint pains, severe arthiritis, declining mental health, pregnancy etc.