Diet Therapy Center in Calicut

A nutritious diet is the key formula for leading an active lifestyle. The greatest method to stay healthy is to maintain healthy eating choice. The blessing of a proper diet aids in the control of lifestyle illnesses. We know that a therapeutic nutrition edit can help with illness management. Therapeutic nutrition is the practice of enhancing the therapeutic effects of specific meals for specific health issues. And there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet; the ideal diet is as unique as your body.

Eating a healthy diet can help you have the energy you need to finish a race, participate in a recreational sport or activity, or prevent problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. We focus on personalized counseling for patients and assess the patient’s lifestyle and dietary choices. Based on the patient’s medical history and needs, our professionals offer them with a diet plan that will help them accomplish their health goals. The food plan is the single game changer; while our patients are under our care, we make sure to keep an eye on their health. All of our meals are prepared on our premises using freshly farmed organic veggies grown without the use of pesticides on our farm. Also, the fruits are organic; we feel that if the diet is properly combined, you have already accomplished the first and most important stage of fitness and well-being.

Frequency and timing

Daily for at least ½ hour in the morning or evening.

Recommended for

Anyone and especially for someone with stressful lifestyle, depression &anxiety, diabetes, high-blood pressure and chronic diseases.

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Frequency and timing

The prescribed diet should be followed strictly and whole-heartedly.

Recommended for

Anyone, especially people who have obesity, diabetes, chronic illness, and is reluctant to put health as the first priority.