Acupuncture in Calicut

Traditional Chinese medical philosophy, which dates back 2500 years, is currently one of the most well-known approaches in Ayurveda. It is a medicinal regimen that focuses on restoring energy imbalances in the body. This kind of treatment has long been used to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease, as well as to promote overall health. Prakrthi naturopathy center is performing effective acupuncture treatment in Kerala.

Acupuncture is a Chinese therapeutic approach in which numerous very small needles are inserted into certain meridian points in the body to treat various ailments. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, there is an energy loop within each living entity that allows life to exist; this energy flow is known as Qi (chi). This energy flows through the body in a specific route known as a meridian. Acupuncture points are positioned on the surface of the meridians, whereby nerves, muscles, as well as connective tissues could be stimulated.

The stimulation improves blood flow while also causing the body’s natural painkillers to activate. It is useful for high and low blood pressure, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, some gastric conditions such as painful menstruation, peptic ulcers, dysentery, rains, allergic rhinitis, facial pain, morning sickness, tennis elbow, sciatica, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, splowering the risk of stroke, and inducing labour. It is very advantageous in both acute and chronic disorders. It is founded on the popular philosophy of the Yin and Yang theory, the Five Element theory, the Zang-Fu theory, the Jing-luo theory, and the Organ Clock theory.

Frequency and timing

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