The Healing power of Nature

Nature is the home of health. Nowadays with the unhealthy lifestyle and junk food and the stress, we are prone to a plethora of ailments. Prakriti is the best Naturopathy treatment hospital in calicut Kerala, With 16 years of experience in the fields of yoga, mudbaths, and uzhichil, among other things. It is quintessential to have a regular retreat to nature, to restore our health, vigor, and strength! Nature appeals to people of all ages and cultures.

Prakrthi is a premium naturopathy hospital in Kerala located in a serene and pollution-free environment with naturalistic beauty.

Naturopathy treatment hospital in Calicut Kerala
About Us

The Best Naturopathy Treatment center in Kerala

Naturopathy treatment centres in Calicut kerala
Naturopathy treatment centres in kerala
Naturopathy treatment centres in Calicut kerala

Doctors have found that over weight and pot belly are the major reasons behind all health problems of Keralites. In earlier time, many disesases which afftected malayalees in our 60s are common in our 30s now.

Get your daily serving of wellness with natural healing techniques at Prakrithi.